Introducing Casino Credit

Casino Del Sol is proud to announce the introduction of casino credit, providing an enhanced and convenient gaming experience for its valued patrons. With this new offering, guests can now enjoy the thrill of their favorite casino games without the hassle of carrying large amounts of cash.  

Casino credit offers a seamless and secure way for players to access funds directly at the gaming floor. This service enables players to establish a line of credit, making it easier to place bets and indulge in the excitement of the extensive gaming options available.

By providing this innovative feature, Casino Del Sol ensures that guests have more flexibility and convenience while enjoying their stay. Whether it's testing their luck at the slot machines, or engaging in exhilarating table games, the use of casino credit is for gaming purposes only,  allowing players to focus on the thrill of the game.

  • Once approved, 24/7 access to funds
  • Apply online 
  • Minimum credit line amount $2500

Approval is likely contingent on a verified checking account and financial account balances greater than the amount of credit requested. Your credit score will also be used to determine approval.