Casino Del Sol and its sister facility, Casino of the Sun, offer more than 1,300 of the most exciting traditional and video slot experiences in the Southwest. From progressive slots to penny, nickel, and quarter machines, The Sol of Tucson always has the latest and greatest slots and video games, so come see for yourself!

The first Casino in Tucson to offer electronic craps, roulette and blackjack!
Come play electronic Roulette, Blackjack and Craps in the all new Interblock Stadium at Casino Del Sol The innovative, electronic gaming space is composed of high-definition LCD displays and generators that deliver Roulette, Blackjack and Craps games.

Keep your Points, Get a Weekly Gift!
One gift for qualified Club Sol members. Nonqualified members can earn 200 slot/table points for a gift. Pickup while supplies last at Hotel Foyer from 11am – 9pm.
If demands exceed supply, alternative prize will be offered. Rules and restrictions apply in accordance to promotion rules. See club sol for complete details.